Le Chat Mauve

Despre, in ordine alfabetică.

 Recunosc, ideea acestui post este una inspirată, îmi aparțin doar răspunsurile. Primul post: 2012. Acum: 3 ianuarie 2015. Comparatie.
Age: 29//31
Allergic: praf, polen, detergenti, metale//metale si detergenti
Animal: pisicile (Misty si Mauve)//ele, da 🙂
Actors: Hugh Jackman//Always Hugh
Birthday/Birthplace: Medgidia
Best Friends: Daniel si mama//Andrei
Body Part on opposite sex: mainile și ochii//bratele si ochii
Best Feeling in the world: atunci cand vine primavara si inverzeste tot sau atunci cand inoti///da, si atunci cand ai fluturi in stomac :))
Best weather: primavara// si vara
Been in Love: mereu//still
Been on stage?: DA
Believe in yourself: DA
Believe in life on other planets: DA//acu stiu mai multe si.. DA!!
Believe in miracles: nu chiar//DA
Believe in magic: nu//DA
Believe in God: in felul meu//Which one? :))
Believe in Satan: nu//nu
Believe in Santa: am crezut pana la 11 ani//nu
Believe in Ghosts/spirits: da
Believe in Evolution: da//hmmm
Candy: Casali//caramele
Color: galben//albastru
Cried in school: da
Chocolate/Vanilla: vanilie
Chinese/Mexican: chinese//mexican
Cake or pie: placinta//placinta
Countries to visit: Franta, Brazilia, India, Maroc, Croatia//toate alea plus Cuba si Polonia
Day or Night: ziua
Danced: DA!
Danced in the rain? Da
Danced in the middle of the street: Da
Eggs: ochiuri//omleta
Everyone has: un secret//o poveste
Ever failed a class? da
First crush: in generala, Ionut 🙂
Full name: Romina Marilena Dumitru
First thought waking up: oare cat e ceasul?//ce face mic?
Food: cartofi prajiti//hummus cu somon fume
Fruits: smochine
Greatest Fear: una mare, asa mare ca nici n-o pot scrie//same
Giver or taker: giver
Gum: nu//uneori
Good luck charms: numarul 22//nu
Hair color: saten
Height: 1,68 m
Happy: mereu
How do you want to die: nu vreau sa mor//stupid question
Hate: minciuna
In guys/girls
Eyes: caprui
Hair Colour: saten
Height: inalt
Clothing Style: personal
Characteristics: amuzant
NB: stiam eu ce stiam :))
Ice cream: vanilie, nuci, migdale, fistic, lime
Instrument: pian
Jewelry: bratara
Kids: o fata cu ochii verzi//gemeni
Keep a journal? nu//mai pe blog :))
Love: pantofi, pisici, parfumuri, plante//toate plus Pavel (nu in ordinea asta)
Letter: R
Love at first sight: da//DA
Milk flavour: cocoa
Movie: Jeux d’enfants, Los amantes del circulo polar, Snatch, Shawshank redemption// si Interstellar
Marriage: da//DA
McD’s or KFC: Mc //another stupid question
Number of Piercings: 0
Number: 7//8
Nickname: Kermit

One wish: un diamant//it’s such a secret :)))
Place you’d like to live: Paris//Greece
Pepsi/Coke: cafea//:))) espresso, si-o apa plata la temperatura camerei
Questionnaires: Poftim?//? to all
Reason to cry: de fericire//asta si orice altceva, crying is good
Roll your tongue in a circle? nu//nici
Song: Comfortably numb, Gilmour//still
Shoe size: 37 1/2
Slept outside: da
Shower daily? da
Sing well? da//:))))
Scientist need to invent: warp drive engine//teleportarea (bine, ea e inventata deja) plus ce ziceam in 2012
Time for bed: 22
Thunderstorms: da
Touch your tongue to your nose? nu//inca nu
Understanding: uneori//trying
Vegetable you hate: ridichea//conopida
Vegetable you love: cartofii//avocado (e un fruct nu? :)) )
Weakness: frica de intuneric/inaltimi//tot asa
When you grow up: niciodata
Who makes you laugh the most: pisicile mele, mama//Andrei
Worst feeling: atunci cand descoperi ca esti mintit
Where do we go when we die? mai departe//to the next
Walk with a book on your head? da
X-Rays: da
Year it is now: 2012//2015
Zoo animal: ratonii
Zodiac sign: leu
 De refăcut la anu’! 

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